
Showing posts from August, 2011

Review: Cry Baby - Jill Atkins

Wanting an edgy novel about Teen Pregnancies ? Review: Cry Baby - Shades Series - Jill Atkins - November 2004 Teen Pregnancies are such a huge issue that as each day passes by , it's becoming more and more common in today's society.Cry Baby is a book that is targeted at those with the low reading abilities as its a teen book that is easy to read , big print and not too many words per page. Cry Baby tells the story of Charlie aka Charlotte whose fifteen years old , it follows as a diary format from the day she went to a party with her best friends, to sleeping with a guy and as you read it - you can see that it wasn't consensual as Charlie was drunk and wasted . To the result of ending up pregnant with his baby. Charlie scared and alone visits an abortion clinic with the premise of having an abortion. We read as she toys with the idea and then eventually tells her parents what has happened, scared out of her mind - her parents eventually come round to the idea and we see ...

Review: Call Me Duchess - Maggie Dove

Wanting a historical romance to keep you warm ? Review: Call Me Duchess- Maggie Dove - January 2011 All her life Marguerite has wanted one thing, to become the next Duchess of Wallingford, but after her mother died - her father gambled away everything leaving Marguerite and her two sisters Penny and Winifred penniless and homeless. After losing their cottage , Marguerite and her family are sent to live with their Aunts in London. Coming up , in London is the biggest event of the year - it's The Season. Where the girls parade in their pretty dresses , on the lookout for husbands and wealthy ones too. Marguerite has her eye on the Duke of Wallingford and if she get's her way by the end of the season . she shall be a Duchess . However, things don't always go to plan as her father has a list of suitable suitors for his daughters as his goal this season is to get them married off to someone wealthy as if the three aren't married by the end of the season , it's bye bye ...

Review: The Undertaker - Bill Brown

Wanting a new mystery novel to sink your teeth in ? Review: The Undertaker - William Brown- January 2011 From the front cover , I could tell that this was going to be an excellent serial killer novel with a hint of politics - the cover also gives off a Dexter feel to it - think the serial killer series by Jeff Lindsey which was also made into a hit TV show . As I opened the book , I was amazed at the likeness of the serial killer's mo to Dexter and unfortunately for the first few chapters I couldn't get Dexter out of my head as like Dexter - The Undertaker is a clean killer , he lies them on a steel bed that kind of reminded me of a hospital gurney, straps them to the gurney and uses a surgical scapel to kill them , Using a surgical scapel can always result in two ways - a sharp , quick death or a slow and painful torture depending which arteries or veins you slice. As a mystery fan , I found The Undertaker to be a great read as the novel was fast-paced and kept the reader th...

Top 100 Most Popular YA Books - How many Have you Read ?

I saw this list on Rather Barefoot than Bookless and Proud Book Nerd and decided to play along. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll even attempt to read all of them, but I thought it would be fun to see just how many Iā€™ve read. The One's Ive read are in Red :) How Many out of the 100 have you read ? 1.Alex Finn ā€“ Beastly 2.Alice Sebold ā€“ The Lovely Bones 3.Ally Carter ā€“ Callagher Girls (1, 2, 3, 4) 4.Ally Condie ā€“ Matched 5.Alyson Noel ā€“ The Immortals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) 6.Anastasia Hopcus ā€“ Shadow Hills 7.Angie Sage ā€“ Septimus Heap (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) 8.Ann Brashares ā€“ The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (1, 2, 3, 4) 9.Anna Godbersen ā€“ Luxe (1, 2, 3, 4) 10.Anthony Horowitz ā€“ Alex Rider (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) 11.Aprilynne Pike ā€“ Wings (1, 2, 3) 12.Becca Fitzpatrick ā€“ Hush, Hush (1, 2) 13.Brandon Mull ā€“ Fablehaven (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 14.Brian Selznick ā€“ The Invention of Hugo Cabret 15.Cassandra Clare ā€“ The Mortal Instruments (1, 2, 3, 4) 16.Carrie Jones ā€“ Need (1, 2, 3) 17.Carrie Ryan ā€“ The ...

Review: Out with the In Crowd - Stephanie Morrill

Wanting a good Christian Teen Fiction novel to read ? Did you read The Re-invention of Skylar Holt - Book #1 by Stephanie Morrill ? Get ready for Book #2 - Out with the In Crowd. Review: Out with the In Crowd - The Re-Invention of Skylar Holt Book #2 - Stephanie Morrill - January 2011. As we read in Book #1 after an incident at a party that nearly left Skylar raped and then when she woke up , she was so hung over and couldn't remember it the next day. She decided that she was going to change her life for the best, she was going to re-invent herself . Get a closer relationship with God , stop partying . As we read in Book #1 it took it's toll and Skylar ended up losing everything she had. In Book #2 Out with the In-Crowd , we read as Skylar is dating Connor - a good christian guy , her sister Abbie's pregnancy is going well and she is dating Chris - Connor's little brother. Though it seems that this is all about to fall apart , as Skylar's ex-best friend Jodie who ...

Review; Round the Corner -Nancy Moser and Vonette Bright

Review: Round the Corner - Book #2 The Sister Circle Series - Vonette Bright and Nancy Moser - May 2008 As Book #2 Starts in the Sister Circle Series , we discover that Evelyn Peerbaugh's house is empty once again as her previous tenants whom they formed a sisterly bond with each other have moved on to greener pastures. Tessa is enjoying a Cruise filled with History , Mae Fitzpatrick is now Mrs. Mae Ames as she married Collier Ames - the neighbour across the street and Audra Taylor has become Mrs. Peerbaugh as she married Evelyn's son Russell. Evelyn , not sure exactly how to run a boardinghouse decides to leave it up to God once more, though it seems this round he may be testing her. The first tenant arrives is Heddy , she works at Ruby's Diner as a waitress but it seems she is hiding a dark secret - will the bond of sisterhood get her to open up and become her true self once again, the second tenant is Gail Saunders - she too has a dark secret - a month ago she was fire...

Review: Geektastic - Stories from the Nerd Herd - Edited by Holly Black and Cecil Castellucci

Have you ever been called a Geek ? Do you love reading anthologies ? Check out the newest one on the market written by a collection of your favourite authors. Review: Geektastic - Stories from the Nerd Herd - Edited by Holly Black and Cecil Castellucci - June 2010 Have you ever once in your life been called a Geek or Freak ? Ever thought you were different ? Enjoy hanging out in the library or in the media room ? Reading books, playing video games , watching movies ? Geektastic is the perfect anthology for anyone who has ever been called or considered themselves a geek and fear not readers as you are not alone as the anthology is written by a list of all our favourite authors and surpisingly they all share a tale in the land of geekdom from Holly Black who met her husband when they were rival Dungeon Masters and has a secret library hidden behind a bookshelf ( I told my bf that I want one of these in my house when I eventually buy one). Cecil Castellucci who waited in line for six w...