Review: Sardoodledom : A Spelling Bee Tale - Krishna Dalal

Wanting a Children's book about Spelling and Spelling Bee Conundrums ?
Review: Sardoodledom : A Spelling Bee Tale - Krishna Dalal and Illus by Jessica Warrick- September 2011.
As a child growing up, I loved reading and writing and of course -what comes with these two skills is The art of Spelling. I had always wanted to participate in a Spelling Bee as on pop quizzes all my words would be spelt correctly and accurately, though in New Zealand when I was younger Spelling Bee's had not yet existed.
Sardoodledom before I opened the book had never heard of the word and for those like mean it means "overly dramatic, almost unbelievable".
Saradoodledom is a wonderfully written and well ilustrated children's book and follows four children from Jefferson Elementary School in their Spelling bee antics. Each of the child has a special way of remembering how to spell words and a speciality of their own.  Chloe , the first participant loves spelling big words and telling people what they mean , Ryan is a poet and learns how to spell words by what they rhyme with , Juan is the class clown and learns his words by inputting them in jokes and Hannah is a great speller but has a fear and dread of homphones.
It seems that this Spelling Bee is to end up in a Saradoodledom because of an actual bee.
A great read and tool for teaching children how to spell and remember words.


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