Kate Cowan 'Garden of Ashes' Cover Reveal
Synopsis: Garden of Ashes - Kate Cowan - April 2014
After four years as a
prisoner in her parents' attic, hidden away from the Catchers, Eden
never dreamt the very people she was hiding from would be the beginning
of such impossible things. She's found freedom on the island like she
never imagined.
Eden is a sorcerer, with the power of the world in her fingertips. She is determined to never be helpless like she once was, and spends every minute of her spare time training to fight back. As she discovers more of her own power, she and her friends continue to uncover the secrets of the Council. Deadly secrets, hinting at something far larger than the island and the Catchers. Before they can find out exactly what the Council is hiding, Eden's magic begins to spiral out of control, and she loses it for just a second. Just half of a second, and it's enough to change everything.
Suddenly, lives are put at stake, and Eden and her friends must do something no one else has ever dared. They have to escape the island, or they have to die trying.
Eden is a sorcerer, with the power of the world in her fingertips. She is determined to never be helpless like she once was, and spends every minute of her spare time training to fight back. As she discovers more of her own power, she and her friends continue to uncover the secrets of the Council. Deadly secrets, hinting at something far larger than the island and the Catchers. Before they can find out exactly what the Council is hiding, Eden's magic begins to spiral out of control, and she loses it for just a second. Just half of a second, and it's enough to change everything.
Suddenly, lives are put at stake, and Eden and her friends must do something no one else has ever dared. They have to escape the island, or they have to die trying.
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20871787-garden-of-ashes?from_search=true
Love the monochrome - makes me want to know more.