VBT# Drowning - Rachel Firasek


Review: Drowning - Book #1 Tears of Sin Series - Rachel Firasek - October 2013

Every now and again, a cover catches my eye and makes me want to stare at it for hours on end and the cover of Drowning by Rachel Firasek is one of those covers. It is one of two reasons that drew me to wanting to participate on the tour. The other was the blurb of this book. Drowning by Rachel Firasek is one of those challenging and edgy content books , that I have to warn you if you are not one to read about child abuse and fathers abusing their daughters for enjoyment or the fact that they hold all the power - the fathers that is. Then I would strongly advise you not to read Drowning. If you have however read Rebecca Donovan's series Reason to Breathe and was able to handle the content and stay strong with the main character throughout that novel, then Drowning will be similar and you probably will cope. As someone who has been there , but not in this kind of level but bits of pieces were familiar -my heart tore for Alice. Alice is the illegitimate child of E.Harrison and he will do anything to prove she is unworthy and trash and he gets off hurting her in any way he can including physically. When next door neighbour Seth James moves in next door, we readers wonder if Alice has finally met her saviour but he is a bit odd and so is his brother to put it nicely- they were funny characters . Can Seth however help save Alice from drowning in her own tears and pain ? Can he pull her up before it's too late and what will happen to Alice when her father one last time takes it a little too far ?
Find out in this edgy and powerful emotion-filled novel by Rachel Firasek and after reading Drowning, I am looking forward to what other edgy and hard topics or directions she will take the other  books in this series.



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