Review : Broken Promise - Linwood Barclay

Broken Promise (Promise Falls, #1)

Review: Broken Promise - Book #1 Promise Falls - Linwood Barclay - July 2015

Readers will know that I am a fan of Linwood Barclay's books and have loved them all, except of course The Accident which I got confused as too many characters and it felt a bit disjointed for me. Broken Promise, I thought was going to be a brand new series and then all of a sudden we are thrust into this world where we are intoduced to characters that seem eerily familiar and places a bit deja vu going on. I even talked about it with a friend as Broken Promise seemed to reunite us with old characters like Derek - the party boy who was living next door to the family that got murdered and he was the prime suspect, to the dodgy mayor Randall and to David's cousin Marla and the old abandoned theme park. The other names that seemed familiar were Cal Weaver whom I was sure was in A Tap on the Window series and the policeman's son Travis. All the characters connected in Promise Falls but somehow still got me wondering about his past stories . The only thing in Broken Promise that seemed a bit out of place and not really concluded properly was the number #23 incidents with the dead squirrels , the random guy wearing a number #23 football jersey and the so-called rapist running around campus.  I did however love the twist with Marla and the baby Matthew.  I am now looking forward to the next book in this series and am hoping that readers like myself will get some more answers to unanswered questions.



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