VBT# Thirty Days to Thirty - Courtney Psak

Thirty Days to Thirty

Review: Thirty Days to Thirty - Courtney Psak - September 2015

Imagine if you were nearing thirty and everything that you hoped to have would be stripped away from you leaving you with nothing but time and single ? What would you do especially when by thirty, you should have everything sorted out ? Thirty Days to Thirty follows the life and adventures of Jill as she has been working her way to partner in a major NY law firm , only to have her find out she was fired and then heading home to her partner of six years Brady, she discovers him sleeping with his secretary Jeanie and she ends up dumped all on the same day. With nowhere else to go, Jill heads home to her family in Manhattan. Cleaning her room up , she finds a list that she wrote as a class assignment of what to do before thirty with thirty items on the list. From Item #1 - Learn to live without a boyfriend leads her to run into her old high-school ex Charlie and since they haven't seen each other for ten years , the pair get talking and he offers to help her cross each item off her list.  Another one of the Items is "Write a Book", since we now live in the world of social media and blogging, Jill decides to create a blog called "Thirty Days to Thirty" where she talks about achieving each item on her list and blogging about each experience. A couple of things that I loved about this book was that I could relate as I have a couple of years till I reach thirty myself and have recently thought about the things that I had wanted to achieve and you do look at yourself when you near that age and go OMG what have I done /achieved - am I just wasting my life ? It really is a worrying period of life that just before thirty. The other thing I loved was that Jill decided to create a blog about her journey as I love blogging and it's quite inspiring.  Near the end Jill has to make a decision for her life as thirty is coming fast and hard , will this be a new step in her life to create a new Jill or when her past comes back , will she go back to her "comfort" zone ?
Find out in this awesome Chick Lit, Coming of Age story "Thirty Days to Thirty" by Courtney Psak.  This is a book that every woman nearing their thirties must read as they will be able to relate with the majority of the novel.


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