Review: Girls that Growl - Mari Mancusi
Finished The Twilight Saga , The Vampire Diaries , True Blood, Vampire Academy Series ? Wanting a new Vampire Series to sink your teeth into ?
Check out Mari Mancusi's series "Blood Coven".

Review: Girls that Growl - Book #3 Blood Coven Series- Mari Mancusi- October 2007
To Recap to readers as it has been yonks since I read the first book in this series "Boys that Bite" we meet twins Sunshine aka Sunny and Rayne. Yes , Wonderful Hippie names. Rayne has just completed Vampire Training Course and was ready to officially become one of the dead when they accidentally bit her sister Sunny instead. Now Sunny has become a Vampire and Rayne left to decide where her destiny lies.
Fast Forward and Skip a book as unfortunately as we all know libraries when it comes to purchasing series are a bit out of whack and very rarely do them in order so that's why Book #3 is getting a review before Book #2 Stake That.
In Book #3 Girls That Growl , we discover that Sunny is now back being a mortal and has a Vampire Coven master Magnus as her boyfriend and Rayne finally got her wish in a sense and is a Vampire and has a hot Vampire boyfriend Jareth -however it's not as simple as it seems as we will learn with the twins. Rayne was poisoned with a virus which means she's a vampire without the powers though it does have perks like waking in the sun. She is also a Vampire Slayer and works for a company titles Slayer Inc killing off Vampires and other nasty supernaturals which is where Girls that Growl come in as it seems that the whole cheerleading squad has been turned into Werewolves and if someone doesn't do anything about it, the whole football team may start disappearing one by one. Can Rayne and Jareth solve the case which will include some international flight travel and one horrible Batman Shirt.
Find out and read how awkwardly Rayne saves the day and what she will have to do to save the school's Pep Squad - the last thing on her mind ever in Girls that Growl.

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