Review: A Truth Universally Acknowledged - Edited by Susannah Carson
Are you a fan of the Austen World ? Do you consider yourself an Austenite ?

Review: A Truth Universally Acknowledged - Edited by Susannah Carson - 2009
Are you a fan of Jane Austen's ? Do you love to read her novels and each one means something special to you ? Can you relate to her novels as you flip through the pages of our Classics like Pride and Prejudice , Sense and Sensibility ? For me, Iv'e always found myself fascinated with Jane Austen and tend to read everything that I can get my hands on including all the fabulous renditions like Prom and Prejudice and Family Fortunes - based on Sense and Sensibilty or books that have been inspired by Jane Austen herself or the characters e.g Mr Darcy Broke my Heart , The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen , Austenland etc I could go on and on as I list the numerous titles. One of the most famous quotes of Austen's Pride and Prejudice is "A Truth Universally Acknowledged ..... " and the quote sums up the book which is a collection of 33 authors on why we read Jane Austen , it features essays , book reflections of the books themselves as well as the characters - one in particular I laughed in was "The Nerds of Pride and Prejudice" where it discussed Lizzie's sister Mary. One that fans of Emma will enjoy was "Emma and Dating" as we all know that the character of Emma had a skill in matchmaking. The list of authors range from Classic writers such as W.Somerset Maugham and CS Lewis to more contemporary writers like Fay Weldon and Jay McInerney.
A Truth Universally Acknowledged , is the perfect academic read for all those readers out there who call themselves "Austenites" and who in a Battle of the Authors would fight for Austen over Brontes.

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