Review; The Hidden - Jessica Verday
Are you a fan of Jessica Verday's series "The Hollow" ? Have you read and enjoyed The Hollow and The Haunted ? Get ready for the conclusion of the trilogy with Book #3 The Hidden.
Review: The Hidden - Book #3 The Hollow Series- Jessica Verday- September 2011
Ever since her best friend Kristen died , Abbey has been able to see Shades and one in particular Caspian, her ghost in transparent armour. We have travelled the adventures of Abbey and Caspian through their meeting in The Hollow , to their nearly losing each other in The Haunted to finally their reconnection in The Hidden. However, it seems that somebody else wants Abbey to themselves and he will stop at nothing to get her . Vincent Drake , he was the one there when Kristen died and as we read the novel , we discover that it was in fact Abbey that should have died that night , not the other way round and it seems that Abbey's time is nearing as she is living her life on a thread. Unlike the other two novels, The Hidden tends to have a stronger focus on the supernatural from Shades like Caspian to Revenants like Uri and Cayce and those in between like Vincent and just to chuck more into mix - The Hidden even involves some possessions as we might see Kristen in newcomer Cynthia. Is it really Kristen's spirt or is Abbey hallucinating ? Read as Caspian and Abbey countdown to her death and the moment that we readers have all been waiting for , the moment where Abbey and Caspian can really be in love not as girl and ghost and Abbey being unable to hold and touch him, but as the anniversary of Caspian's death nears, he like Casper the friendly ghost did when Devon Sawa played him - Caspian may have the chance to be a real boy. The book concluded well , with the Epilogue being a reverse scene as if Abbey was the one to die and Kristen to live and what their Graduation day would have been like.
The Hidden is the perfect conclusion of the Sleepy Hollow Renditions by Jessica Verday.

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