Review: Wreath- Judy Christie
Check out her new Teen Novel
Review: Wreath - Judy Christie- October 2011
All Wreath had in life was her mother Frankie and now that she's dead , Wreath has nowhere to go and she has definitely made up her mind that she is not under any circumstances entering Foster Care. So Wreath decides to do what any normal teenager and one with guts and survival instincts would do - runaway as far as she can go, to a place where no-one knows her. That place ends up by chance being Landry after she manages to hitch a ride with Clarisse who turns out to be a lawyer in Landry. In Landry, Wreath decides that she needs a story to tell people, so Wreath comes up with a plan that she is visiting relatives and staying with her cousins. However, in reality Wreath has been staying at the Junkyard and sleeping in one of the old vans that's lying around. As the story develops, we read as Wreath begins a new life , a new job working at the local furniture shop and starts at the local high school Landry High. How long though can Wreath keep up her lies before the truth starts seeping through ? It seems though that God has a plan and a purpose for Wreath as we discover that she has ties to Landry that she didn't even realise , that her own father was from here and her Grandad is still alive and kicking. With the help of her newfound friends Faye Durham - The furniture shop owner , Julia Watson- local high school teacher , Clarisse Johnson- Lawyer and Law/ Destiny - her classmates and J.D - the local handyman will they provide Wreath with the one thing that she needs , a warm and loving home and friends whom she can call her family ? One of the things that I loved most about this novel was that Wreath was the type of girl who loved making lists and for a fellow list-maker , it was awesome to read her lists.
Wreath by Judy Christie is a great addition to the list of Teen Christian Reads.

Thank you so much for reviewing Wreath! I'm so excited about your comments because I love libraries! The first place I drove when I got my license was the public library. Wreath loves libraries, too, as you probably noticed! Thanks again. Judy Christie