Review; The Odd Job Squad - Karl Fields
Wanting a novel for your 10+ Son ? Something that's easy to read and will keep him occupied and keep his interest?

Review: The Odd Job Squad- Karl Fields-2011
Have you got a son that is finding it hard to get into reading ? Has he read the books Captain Underpants , Diary of A Wimpy Kid , Middle Grade was the worst years of my life ? If so, then The Odd Job Squad by Karl Fields is the perfect book to move him onto and develop his reading skills as it's more pages than they are used too , but if they enjoyed the storylines of the above then this is them for sure. We all know that boys love books that have the characters getting into mischief and it makes it even more enjoyable when they can relate to it e.g at school and dodging detentions and getting into trouble with the teachers/principals.
The Odd Job Squad takes us into the heart of middle school where Ander Cartwright has formed a squad called "The Odd Job Squad", these are the kids that you go to when you have a fight with somebody and are aching for revenge and payback. You have a problem with a classmate e.g the bully that keeps stealing your lunch money or the person whose cheating off you in class , then whizz on your computer and email the Odd Job Squad and if your case is up their alley and most of the time it is as you will notice in the book, then they will concot a revenge plan - for those who have read "The Lying Game" by Sara Shepard- think Sutton's L Game.
Ander and his team have come up with three rules :
1) Strictly Business - No Personal
2) No Repeat Business
3) Your'e all In.
These three rules help them to stay under the radar and not get caught by nosy teachers and rule-biding principals and help them stay anonymous , however when Ander gets caught up in his own plan for revenge , he starts to break the rules -every single one of them , now Ander must be careful and vigilante otherwise he may find himself facing expulsion.
Can Ander's friends pull him back before it's too late or has Ander gone one payback too far ?
Find out in Karl Field's novel , great for Boys - The Odd Job Squad.

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