Review: Learning - Karen Kingsbury
Are you a fan of Karen Kingsbury's Books ? Ever wondered what happened to Bailey Flanigan ?
Review: Learning - Bailey Flanigan Series #2-Karen Kingsbury- June 2011
Bailey, forever the Drama star has just returned from filming her first movie part in "Unlocked" as we discovered was the film version of a book that Karen Kingsbury has also written, one that would have to be in my Top 2 Favourites :), now she is headed for the stage in Broadway's production of Hairspray. However , life for Bailey is about to get hard and will have her reaching closer to God as she decides who she really is inside and what she wants out of her life. Torn between two men - her crush Cody and hollywood actor Brandon Paul , Bailey's heart is torn and will become more divided as Cody's close friend Cheyenne ends up in a tragic accident leaving Cody to tend by her side. As the play starts Bailey feels at a loss as she is the subject of nasty gossip e.g that she only got the part because of the movie and her connections. Can Bailey show the rest of the cast that she deserved the part and that no matter what happens with God on her side she can shine like the star he has created and which love interest will Bailey choose ? Will she go with her heart's desire of Cody or will she take a look at the path ahead and discover that her Prince Charming is in fact Brandon Paul ? We also catch up with familiar faces and names including the Blake Family, Baxter Family and Flanigans :)
Find out in Learning by Karen Kingsbury and I look forward to reading Book #3 Longing. Another fabulous book by one of my all-time favourite Christian authors Karen Kingsbury.
Find out in Learning by Karen Kingsbury and I look forward to reading Book #3 Longing. Another fabulous book by one of my all-time favourite Christian authors Karen Kingsbury.

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