Review: Mrs Bright's Tearoom - Susan Hanniford Crowley
In the mood for a Steampunk novella ?

Review: Mrs Bright's Tea Room - Susan Hanniford Crowley - December 2010
Known mostly for her Paranormal romances filled with Vampires , when Susan emailed me her new book Mrs Bright's Tea Room - I was intrigued to read how well she captured the Steampunk genre as for me personally, I'm in two minds about this particular genre as the era of Victorian mechanics etc never really interested me that much but then I am a huge fan of Cyberpunk and aspects of the two seem to have a cross-over. I am I will have to admit a huge fan of the Steampunk Costumes :). Some of the female outfits are so TDF .
Mrs Bright's Tea Room takes us to an Alternate London world where a Tea Room sets in the Sky , it is a brothel of sorts and one of their regulars happens to be a Captain Travers. Captain Travers is here on business, so he books a room and a girl. Enter Euthalia , it's her first time and she is a nervous wreck , there is a knock on the door and it's Captain Travers business associate- however things take a turn for the worse as daggers are announced and soon we read as Euthalia and Captain Travers are on the run of survival of the fittest.
What follows is an erotic story between the two of them. At only 33 pages - Mrs Bright's Tea Room is a quick fix steampunk novella and those who love a bit of romance with their steampunkery will thoroughly enjoy.
So Reader's step right up and enjoy your visit to Mrs Bright's Tea Room.

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