A Bundling Idea : Book Bundles in the Teen/YA Section
A Bundling Idea: By Paula Phillips – The Phantom Paragrapher It’s that time of month again, it’s Literary Musing Time and this month I’ve decided to share with you some insider information of what I’ve been doing in our teen department at the library I work at in New Zealand. By day, I work as a Children’s and Teen’s Librarian at Greerton Library and It is my job to come up with fresh ideas to get teen’s into the library and for the teen collection to keep on movin’ around. While reading a few months back , the VOYA ( Voice of Young Adults) Literature magazine, it had an article about an American Library and a idea that they had created in order to get books in their teen section moving around and help teens discover those forgotten authors and not just stick to ones like Stephenie Meyer and Suzanne Collins. It was also a chance to remind teens that there are other books besides Vampire and Werewolf novels – though not that I am not a huge fan of them myself. ...