Review : Forgiven - Shelley Shepard Gray

Do you love reading series of books and get excited when the next one is released and the fact that you can't wait to get stuck into it and read it from front cover to back cover. Today's book is Book #3 of the Sisters of the Heart series by author Shelley Shepard Gray who is most recognised for her books set in the Amish Community.

Forgiven (Sisters of the Heart, Book 3)

Review: Forgiven - Sisters of the Heart Book #3 - Shelley Shepard Gray - August 2009

One of my current Christian authors that I have been making my way through her books is Amish author Shelley Shepard Gray , I first discovered this authors name through her co-authored Potluck Club books and then I read her own book Hidden and Wanted from the Sisters of Heart Series and I was hooked.  Each book talks about a different family while at the same time connecting the previous communities characters in the book. In this book we are presented with Katie who we know from previous novels married Jonathon Lundy. In Forgiven , Jonathon and Katie's barn has been burned down and Jonathon's sister Winnie who lives with them - always one for the animals rushed in to save them from the burning barn's debris and in this course of action , she herself ended up badly burned and rushed to hospital. It is in the hospital that we see due to circumstances Winnie and Englischer Samuel Miller become closer and who knows by the end of the book, is it wedding bells we hear for these two chiming? However , Winnie's heart is torn in two as she knows that her being Amish and him from the Outside world , they could never be together. Is their love strong enough for one of them to reconsider the way they have been living and will God's faith prove to be strong enough for one to change?.
On the flip side, the story also covers Katie and Jonathon Lundy's relationship as when the fire brigade discover that the cause of the fire was arson caused by cigarette butts , Jonathon makes it his personal mission to find out who would be silly enough to put him and his family in jeopardy. But when he finds out , will Jonathon be strong enough to forgive or will his heart be stubborn and unwilling and hurt that he will forget forgiveness. What will happen when Katie and Jonathon divide as their community is based on the truth of forgiveness and the grace of God.
Can Jonathon turn his worries and annoyance towards God and God be able to soothe his heart and accept the power to forgive.


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