Book Blogger Appreciation Week -Day #4 Treasure

                                                                    Today's Question :
Welcome to Day #4 of the Book Blogger Appreciation Week , Today's treasure is titled "Forgotten Treasures".

Today’s Topic:  Sure we’ve all read about Freedom and Mockingjay but we likely have a book we wish would get more attention by book bloggers, whether it’s a forgotten classic or under marketed contemporary fiction.  This is your chance to tell the community why they should consider reading this book!
( Though I have to admit I haven't read either book LOL )

                                                                Today's Answer:

                                                            7th Son: Descent
7th Son: Descent: J.C Hutchins - 2009

I don't normally venture into Science Fiction but books about Genetics and Cloning, I have always found intriguing.

Imagine if cloning people were possible, what the world would be like and the amazing lengths technology could go to, to clone someone, implant memories, habits etc. As America reels in from the horrible tragedy of the assassination of their president -("Watch out Barack- I had a name blank I was going to call him Oback LOL) across the other side of the state -a group of seven men are being kidnapped and taken to a facility , none of the seven men know each other . Each has a different career, lifestyle, family etc .However all these men share alot more in common than they all expected. Each of these seven men have the name variations "John Michael Smith”, they are all identical in experience and have shared each other’s memories. They are all clones of one man John Smith whom they call Alpha. Killing the president was only Alpha's beginning; he has come back from being dormant for years and his now embarking on a killing psychopathic spree. It’s up to these seven men to combine their talents as a group their uniqueness and qualifications can stop him. Can they reach the Alpha John in time or will more people die and can they put aside what differences they have to save the world in time or is it one big failure? An excellent read about Cloning , Implanting memories and the affects it can have on the clones and the people who raised them - whoever said clones had no feelings didn't know what they were talking about.


  1. I hadn't heard of this books. It sounds good and goes along with the other cloning related books I've read, so added it to my reading list. Thanks

  2. I don't read a lot of science fiction either, but this one certainly does sound interesting! I'll have to keep an eye out for it.


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