Transition - Denise Kim Wy

Are you somebody who likes reading Short Stories ? Want a book that features several contemporary issues in a short novella -only 15 pages long?

Review : Transistion - Denise Kim Wy - 2010

Not normally a fan of short stories as they always seem to go two ways , start off really boring and not that intriguing or get halfway through and the story is a mess but every now and again , you can come across a short story that sets your buzzers a light , and leaves you like "WOW". That was totally awesome and I want more.
Transition by Denise Kim Wy is one of those short stories , I found it while browsing the shelves of Smashwords - a website that has all these awesome e-books for A) Free or B) Cheap Az Prices and you can download them into any format that you wish , so they are accessible to the all-rounder reader.
Transition is split into sections that each describe a moment in life or a feeling and tells the story of Sydney whose parents have split after their dad had an affair with his secretary - a plot that we are all use to by now , it makes us wonder how many of us don't like our partners having secretaries or we make sure that they hire somebody ugly and old LOL. It is coming up to Sydney's 18th Birthday and by chance her friend Hannah invites Sydney's old childhood friend and new crush Wolfram along for her party journey. All is great so far , until on the day of the birthday she has a premnotion but just shakes it off as a bad dream. When I read this I thought , is this going to be another one of those paranormal/supernatural gifting type short stories but it suprised me the way it worked out not to be .
Transition is one of those short stories that if you have 10-15 minutes to spare , give it a read and it will leave your mind thinking after you finished trying to decipher what happened and what could happen if there was more .
For comments about Transition feel free to email me at  Thank you for reading this book.
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