VBT# Discovering Delilah - Melissa Foster
Review: Discovering Delilah - Book #2 Harborside Nights Series - Melissa Foster - July 2015 I had enjoyed Melissa Foster's Remington series, so when I read that Discovering Delilah was up for review -I was excited to read it. However, what I didn't expect was that I loved the book so much and now I can't wait to read Catching Cassidy. The other reason I didn't expect to enjoy it so much is that I am normally one to read and rave about GLBT books. I like them, but they don't normally rate as OMG stories, but Discovering Delilah definitely rates as a WOW story. The book starts off with Delilah and her brother Wyatt living in Harborside as they have moved there after their parents were killed in a car accident after Delilah's graduation. Delilah has been struggling and attending a grief support group where she meets Janessa. Janessa and Delilah become fast friends as Janessa understands Delilah and plays a huge part in the story with Delilah growing ...