VBT# Heart Shaped Rock - Laura Roppe

Heart Shaped Rock 

Review: Heart Shaped Rock - Laura Roppe - May 2014

Reading novels like this one especially after you have lost someone you care about can really make the novel more realistic for you and make you want to just sit there and bawl your eyes out. For me, that was Heart Shaped Rock by Laura Roppe as in this book , Shaynee's mother has passed away from Cancer and now it's just her, her brother Lennox and her Dad and they all seem to be coping in different ways.  As for me, I lost my mum six months ago and it still hurts so much and sometimes I just wish that she wasn't sick and that I could hear her voice or get a hug or something. Even writing this review makes my eyes tear up. In Heart Shaped Rock, Shaynee though will discover that she has a great support system of friends out there and often her little brother Lennox makes me want to give him a big hug as in ways he reminded me of my younger brother. Over music and discovering new friends, it will teach Shaynee that it is ok to miss her mum and that sometimes in order to move on , you need to let others in and share those emotions with them. What I loved most about this novel, was the fact that it was such a sweet and raw story and even better as I love listening to my Ipod and love books that contain singers and music, I was able to after I read the novel listen to the soundtrack that accompanied this novel as the author Laura had provided me with the music. This book is one of the best teen fiction that I have read for 2014 and you may have noticed that in this review, I used a yellow border as the colour Yellow stars alot and means something in this novel.
Readers, if you are wanting an YA/Teen novel to touch the corners of your heart and tug on them and have you not only experiencing tears of sadness but also of joy with thy cup runneth over thy pages then check out "Heart Shaped Rock" by Laura Roppe as you won't be disappointed.


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