Top Ten Tuesday - Chracters as Best Friends

Today's Top Ten is the Top Ten Characters you would like as your best friends : Elena Gilbert from The Vampire Diaries- Then she can introduce me to the Hottie Damon Salvatore : Sookie Stackhouse from True Blood Series - Though she'd know what you were always thinking she is the type of friend that would do anything to save another friend. Jane from Sunday at Tiffany's - She just seems overall the type of person I could get on great with. Hanna, Aria , Spencer and Emily from Pretty Little Liars - They would make a good group of friends Minus the A Part . Alex Cross - James Patterson Series "Alex Cross" - He just seems like a good older guy who would always make sure you were safe and would make a great mentor in the law enforcement. Cinderella - As she always seems like she needs a friend and a helping hand. Serena , Blair, Nate, Dan, Chuck, Jenny and Eric - The cro...