Review: Dark Song - Gail Giles
Wanting a new edgy Teen Content book to read and a new author to discover ?
Review: Dark Song - Gail Giles - September 2010
I wasn't really sure what to expect from this book as what had really grabbed me was the cover with the red rose as it reminded me of the Beastly Cover by Alex Flinn. Which I loved with the rose on the cover.
Dark Song was an interesting novel, that contained plenty of twists and turns from the beginning when Ames dad spontaneously took her and the family to the middle of Nowheresville for Christmas , all seemed well until her Dad started staying home more and there were whispers of her Dad being laid off. It seems that he was keeping it a secret from the family, it later is discovered that both her parents have been lying to Ames and her sister Chrissy and themselves. We start to see cracks appear in Ames family as the story moves along from the fact that they have no money since her dad gambled it all away and was really fired for stealing others money . To Ames parents not being truthful about either of their pasts , soon Ames and Chrissy find themselves going from Private to Public School and moving from their house to the smalltown of Boulder, Texas. It is here that Ames meets Marc and soon the two are romantically involved, however Marc has a violent past and if Ames isn't careful, she too could find herself wrapped up in his evil antics. When Marc goes too far and threatens to kill her family, will Ames choose her family over the guy she loves or will she stand by her man and choose Marc ?

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