Review: Gambit Kim Knox
Wanting a erotic science fiction to set your hearts a-blazing in space ?
Review: Gambit - Kim Knox - September 2010
One of my favourite things about the Carina Press books is that they always tend to have amazing covers :). In Gambit, we are taken into the sexy and erotic side of aliens and other planets, no longer is science fiction viewed as nerdalicious but with Carina Press 's book "Gambit" by Kim Knox it is scandalicious.
Raised on her own since age eleven , Captain Chae Benyon has learnt to survive and knows that the golden rule to survival is "with money, you can do so much more". So she has taken to hustling, prostitution in a way but think futuristic , become a mercenary pilot and much more. When she is hired to become a client for Danead Traern , it seems that lust is going to take over the business transaction as there is trouble in his home planet Ladaian and if he does not help stop it , the throne will be overthrown and royalty have lost it's status.
Captain Chae Benyon is hired as the perfect distraction as she is not only clever, cunning and wise but she also holds Ladaian blood in her from her mother's side.
In order to keep up with their charade and persuade others disguised as Chae's sex toy, Daned is erotically bound to her through living gold, alien tech designed to increase pleasure. When he frees himself, their passion only increases...but succumbing to temptation will bind them together-permanently. But there's more at stake than their needs. As Chae is dragged into a world of insane princes and sentient stones, hired killers hound them across the quadrant. And when of course , we can see where it is heading, Chae is left with the decision to save the planet Ladaian or to save her heart and choose Daned , which will Chae choose , Saviour or Happiness?

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