Review: The Memory Box - Eva Lesko Natiello
Review: The Memory Box - Eva Lesko Natiello - June 2014
Have you ever googled yourself and seen what has come up? As a bookstagrammer and book blogger who has been around for a while, I haven't searched myself for a while but now and again - searches of my book reviews used on other sites have popped up. In this small town of mothers and cliques, they thrive on gossip and the way they get gossip is by standing there on their phones googling each other's names. For Caroline, she is safe as nothing comes up with her married name. On an off chance, she tries her maiden name and comes up with an obituary of her sister's death six years ago. How can this be? She only just talked to JD recently, how could she have died six years ago? It also says she had a daughter named Liliana and she would have been the same age as Caroline's daughter Lily. We discover that Caroline has a huge chunk of memory missing and seeing this obituary will have her jumping back into her past to try and make sense of it all. Will Caroline like what she finds as she starts to fall deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole? Did something traumatic happen six years ago to Caroline when her sister died and that is why she blocked it out? The Memory Box by Eva Lesko Natiello was one of those crazy rollercoaster thrillers that will have you trying to keep up with the plot and go WTF is happening here?
This was definitely a thriller you won't be able to put it down and it will keep you guessing right till the end and even leave you slightly confused like myself.
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