Review: The Intern - Gabrielle Tozer

Review: The Intern - Book #1 Intern Series - Gabrielle Tozer - February 2014
As someone who is an aspiring journalist and would love to one day work at a magazine whether it be an online or print , I love reading books about this . The Intern is also perfect for fans of the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" and "Never Been Kissed". In The Intern, we meet Josie who is your awkward but academically studious girl, her internship goal was to write for a newspaper but somehow she ended up with an internship at one of the major fashion magazines. Arriving on Day One , Josie is nervous especially when she turns up and sees that the other two interns starting with her are perfect and look more suited to this role than her. What we discover though is that Josie has one thing that these girls don't have and that is determination and hardwork. Read as Josie tries to prove herself, but what happens when she takes an interview deeper and ends up an exclusive . This part of the story shows readers what can happen in the industry when lines start to become blurred and crossed and how you can be a big hit one day and the lowest scum the next. If trying to keep her internship as of course she needs it to pass her studies wasn't difficult enough , Josie has moved in with her cousin Tim and Josie discovers that she is in love with his roommate James - this would be all good, but the fact of the matter is that James has a girlfriend Summer already.  
The Intern was a fun read and gave readers a quick peek insight to the world of Magazine Internships and Celebrities.  I am now looking forward to reading Book #2 "Faking It"  in the Intern Series and seeing what the future holds for Josie.



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