VBT# Healing Rain - Katy Newton Naas

Healing Rain

Review: Healing Rain - Katy Newton Naas - April 2015

Five months ago , Rain had the perfect life - she was getting good grades, part of the winning cheerleading squad and strong on her christian faith walk and had a wonderful family . That was until one night she walked into her dad's study to find him dead. What happened next was a tumbling down Rain as she quit everything and her life turned from full of life to the living undead as she cut off from everybody including her family. This lead to an attempted suicide and nightmares, now Rain and her family have moved to a small town to start fresh and have a go at rebuilding their lives. With a new outlook on life , Rain heads to therapy sessions and starts a new school . Here she meets a group of new friends - one in particular is Ethan - he is the school popular jock and the pair start dating and soon her new life revolves around him and her friends , does Rain though have time for herself or is she putting her new friendship as a front to hide her true self ? 
Healing Rain is a journey of self-discovery type teen fiction as one girl "Rain" must re-evaluate her life and what she wants in order to move forward and stop hiding from the past and what she is really feeling inside.
Can Rain find herself again or is the girl she once was truly lost forever ?
 Find out in Katy Newton Naas's book "Healing Rain".



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