Review: Liar - Tate James

Review: Liar - Book #2 Madison Kate Series - Tate James - June 2020

I enjoyed the first one of this series and had Book #3 on my shelf, but for some reason -not book #2, so I bought it from MightyApe. It happened on the day I decided to read this book, I had surgery and so it was my hospital and recovery reading. Now I don't know if it was because I physically wasn't 100% but this book felt like it took me years to read even though in reality it was more like over 3 days. Book #1 had ended in an OMFG ending and so I was looking forward to Book #2 and that packed just as much of a punch, but then there were parts of this book that confused me and annoyed me at the same time. I have to admit I haven't felt this much mixed emotions with a series in a long time, but I have to say I have a strong love/hate relationship with the Madison Kate series and all the characters. As we have MK who is like a puppet and people keep trying to kill her the thing is that she hasn't gone to the police and is being gaslighted to make it look like she's making things up for attention, but she isn't and everyone keeps pussy footing around her, though I did like Zane for telling her the truth and so far he's one of the only honest people in this book and that's saying something. Steele and Kody are still having this friends-with-benefits relationship with MK and then there is Archer who is the worst and it's like JFC just tell Madison the truth and remove the stick from your butt. I want to like him, but he feels just as bad as Madison's dad, he's one of those characters - you have no idea where you stand and that makes him possibly the most dangerous in this book.  I also felt that Madison's stalker was glossed over in this book and we still didn't get any closer to the who and why. As I said this book I enjoyed but hated it at the same time.  I am hoping that Book #3 will give us some more answers rather than leaving us with more questions and like Book #1, this book ended up on a massive cliffie between Archer and Madison Kate.



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