Review: The Miller Women - Kelli Hawkins

Review: The Miller Women - Kelli Hawkins - April 2024

This book I had originally gotten from Netgalley, but since it was a "read on Netgalley Shelf" I didn't get a chance to read it before it expired. So I went onto the Libby app and downloaded it from the library. I had previously read Kelli's book Apartment 303 and loved it so was excited with this book, especially with the tagline of murder running in the family. I have to admit though that this book was quite a slow burn and in parts, I had to push my way through the story but in the ending, there were a few OMG twists that made up for the slow burn of the story and I loved all the little connections and six degrees of separation that the main characters had with one another. The Miller Women focuses on the stories of the three generations of Miller Women and three generations of Ross Women on the side and how their stories interweave with one another. We have our matriarchs, Joyce Miller and Trish Hopkins, then the second generation aka Mothers - Nicola Miller and Donna Ross, and then lastly the children - Abby Miller and Cara Ross. Each generation is hiding a dark secret and a murder. This is one thriller that shows that men should never scorn women as their wrath can be deadly and if you have love and a strong sense of family, then not even murder can break those love bonds and family ties. I am now looking forward to going back and reading Kelli's other title "Other People's Houses". If you are looking for a good strong female-led thriller, then The Miller Women is for you.



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