Review: The Brothers Hawthorne - Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Review: The Brothers Hawthorne - Book #4 The Inheritance Games Series - Jennifer Lynn Barnes - August 2023

This book had been sitting on my shelf and just waiting for the perfect time to be read and enjoyed and recently, I have been helping man the election voting booths which can get pretty quiet. This is when being a reader helps a lot, as I was able to take along my books and read them so I had something to do and not just sit twiddling my thumbs. We all have those authors who no matter what they release, we read them and for me, one of those authors is Jennifer Lynn Barnes who I have loved ever since as a teen/YA I read her book Tattoo. If you love puzzles and adventures, then The Inheritance Games series is for you. In Book #4 we read as Avery and Jameson are setting themselves up for an elite club called Devil's Mercy to save Jameson's father's family home, Nash pops the question to Libby, Xander is just being Xander whilst Grayson feels guilty about everything and everyone is trying to help make sure his half-siblings are looked after and that Eve also gets what she deserves. I enjoyed this book as it was good to see each of the brothers in their worlds.  The Brothers Hawthorne sets up the perfect flow effect into Jennifer Lynn Barnes's newest and upcoming series The Grandest Game as two of the characters feature in this book.  The Brothers Hawthorne was a great conclusion to not only The Inheritance Games but also a great prequel book to The Grandest Game.



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