Review: Corkscrew You - Catherine Robertson

Review: Corkscrew You - Book #1 Flora Valley Series- July 2024

When I saw a couple of months ago, the upcoming releases from HarperCollins NZ, this one caught my attention for three reasons. The first was that Catherine Robertson is a New Zealand author and I love supporting authors from my own country as they just feel a little more special, the second was the setting of San Francisco and Sonoma County as in 2013, I spent a week in San Francisco and also had an author friend who had a place in Sonoma County which we had talked about seeing but due to time restraints, it didn't work out. The third reason was of course the book title and the fact it was a contemporary romance. Corkscrew You takes place in a small town called Flora Valley and is more so based at Flora Valley Winery where we have Shelby who for the past six months been trying to keep her father's vineyard and winery dreams alive as he passed away and she was the only one of her siblings/family willing to continue as she couldn't just sell it. The thing though is businesses like this need money and investors, enter JP who has hired the son of his best friend Nate to help Shelby sort out the vineyard and to make it successful. Corkscrew You is an enemies-to-lovers story as of course, Shelby views Nate as a business mogul who wants to railroad her family's business and more so what her dad represented and built. As the book goes along though we see that Nate is not so different as he is currently going through issues of his own from being dumped a week before his wedding and now his dad on his last legs as he is refusing treatment for his cardiac events. Can Nate and Shelby put both their personal opinions aside and work together for the greater good of the vineyard in doing so, we read as the switch happens bringing them closer to closer and warning readers, that you will not see Key Lime Pie again in the same light. As Butcher and Blackbird changed your opinion of Cookies and Cream Ice-cream, Corkscrew You will do that with Key Lime Pie.  I am now looking forward to reading Book #2 You're So Vine which is Ava and Cam's story. 



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