VBT# Kenna's Reverie - Claire Granger

Review: Kenna's Reverie - Book #1 Daydreaming Series- Claire Granger -August 2015
One of the things I hate most about being a reader is that when you get a really really good book and then it ends on a major cliffhanger and you read Book #2 is still to come and the worst thing is that you know it will be a while as you managed to read Book #1 before it was released to the world. That is how I felt with Kenna's Reverie , it honestly would have got five stars and a highly recommended if not for the major cliffhanger therefore this book gets five stars only. In Kenna's Reverie we meet Kenna who is 27 years old and a Book Blogger , she also has 5 boys. At first I wondered if this was a Yours/Mine/Ours type twist like the movie starring Dennis Quaid. Later I found it similar as Kenna has adopted the five boys, this was awesome and got me thinking that if my life had turned out differently - then I would have been in Kenna's shoes as I would have adopted my two nephews and probably more as I would have loved to have a family that way if need be. Though who knows if I can't have children for one reason or another, this will be an option I will look at. During the story Kenna meets Jax , a handsome man who starts to fit nicely into Kenna's life and then get ready for it - here's the cliffhanger ending . Kenna wakes up to see another woman in Jax's apartment , accuses him of cheating on her and then she steps back not knowing just how close she is to a staircase and them wham one step back and the book ends with her spiralling down in darkness and the reader is left like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , you can't finish there.
If you love fast-paced romantic stories, then this is the book for you but if you aren't one to be left hanging by a major cliffhanger - then readers wait till Book #2 is released and then read Book #1 first. I am now awaiting patiently for the release of Book #2.
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