VBT# Let's Talk about Tickling - Veronica Frances

Let's Talk About Tickling

Review: Let's Talk about Tickling - Veronica Frances - April 2015

When you pick up a book , sometimes it will be the cover you are attracted to and sometimes it will be the title or the blurb/ content of the book that attracts you to read it , as you sit to yourself thinking hmm that sounds interesting. For me, it was the latter with Veronica Frances's book "Let's Talk about Tickling" . Ok, so we all know what tickling is as we grow up we are often tickled by our parents and then as we go through primary school by our friends. Now don't get freaked out, but with the whole fifty shades fetishes going on and also after reading Quirks and Kinks, I was curious and apparently tickling is a huge fetish. Though to be honest, it confuses me as I find tickling either painful if the person doesn't do it correctly or it's just damn annoying but some people get aroused by tickling and it is their sexual fantasy preference. Veronica Frances's book goes into the depths of the sexual fantasy and kink of tickling and talks about it in detail of what attracts people to it and why they simply enjoy it. A refreshing and very welcome find, Let’s Talk About Tickling is for anyone who wishes to expand their awareness of tickling and other related fetishes as their are snippets of other sexual fetishes inside. Veronica Frances offers advice in helping toimprove their relationships in and out of the bedroom by shining a light on the powerful significance of tickling. She reminds us that tickling is not merely the whisper of a feather on the flesh. It is an echo that calls us from deep within, beckoning us to listen and respond.Whether you are one of those closet ticklers or like me are curious into reading about this side of sex and fantasies as after the whole fifty shades phenomenon it has opened my eyes to a whole range of fetishes , most I never knew existed - not that any of them are my cup of tea though as I find the whole fetish experience weird and odd , I personally am pretty satisfied with Vanilla myself. Let's Talk about Tickling is a great resource for sex therapists or even authors who are thinking of writing erotica fiction and wanting to explore ideas for their novel of different fetishes and kinks that exist.



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