VBT# Playing the Player - Lisa Brown Roberts

Playing the Player (Entangled Crush)

Review: Playing the Player - Lisa Brown Roberts - September 2015

Trina Clemons needs the money to help save for college and she has had months of babysitting practise so she agreed to be Gillian's nanny for the Summer Break. The thing is though that Trina is about to be in for a big surprise as Gilly's friend Max needs a Nanny too and the contendor is Slade Edmunds. Trina knows Slade from school as they have been growing up in some of the same classes, but are from totally different leagues - Trina is the brains and activist as she fights for what she believes in and Slade is the popular playboy who hooks up and sleeps with whomever he wishes. Can the pair work together this Summer or will the Nannying gig be the death of them both as they clash with EVERYTHING ? Can spending quality time though with someone you least expected you would have fun with - open your eyes to new possibilites as chemistry between Slade and Trina start to bubble ? Playing the Player was a good high-school teen romance and reminded me in parts of the movie "10 Things I Hate About You" with Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles. What will happen though at the end of Summer when reality kicks in and they discover they were both hiding a secret that could threaten and ruin everything that they believed was true this past Summer? Can their newfound love for each other overcome their faults and pride ?
Find out in Lisa Brown Roberts's new book "Playing the Player"



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