Review: Tastes Like Candy 2 : Sugarless - Ivy Tholen
Review: Tastes Like Candy: 2 - Sugarless by Ivy Tholen - April 2024
I had been eager to read this book as I loved the first one and it gave me 90s/ early 2000s slasher horror vibes and reminded me of the teen movies I watched. The first one was great, but unfortunately Tastes Like Candy 2: Sugarless didn't quite have the same feel. It's like when you watch the first movie and it's Oh so Awesome and then you see a sequel being released and you are so excited as the first one was like the greatest ever and then when you watch the second one, you were like that was a waste of time or it could have been better. That is how I felt about Book #2. This book starts in Part #1 with Dusty who seems like she wants revenge on her so-called friends and starts looking on the internet and comes across the real story of what happened five years ago and discovers the town covered it up. With the help of her "internet friend" Dusty starts to plan revenge and where better to than the carnival on the 5th anniversary? The first half was great but I have to say Dusty's character annoyed me near the end as, to be honest, she wasn't a great villain- she was too weak-minded and didn't have the same guts as the first book's killer to pull everything off. Then in Part #2 we have Violet who is the sole survivor of the incident that happened five years ago. She comes back to town and I have to admit, her story was confusing and I feel that this was unnecessary and we could have done without Violet's tale. Overall though, I am looking forward to checking out Ivy Tholen's other books including her newest release Mother Dearest. Ivy Tholen is one of those YA authors that should be added to your Spooktober reading lists.
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