Literary Musing : Pretty In Pink Literature
Pretty in Pink Literature

With the rising trend in Chick Literature for Young Adults to the older audience of Females, it’s not surprising that there has been a new brand of genre released titled Pink Literature.
What is Pink Literature you may ask? Pink Lit is basically Chick Lit genre aimed at tweens and YA/Teens – more commonly the age group of 10-18 years.
Books that fall under the category of Pink Lit are books that have or surround those everyday issues like Love, Friendship, Relationships and Boys, Boys, Boys as the Britney Spears song goes.
Today’s Blog post will be a little different with me breaking it into lists of authors and titles that are appropriate for the specific age-groups with a little blurb about each title or collection of titles.
Ages 9-12
• Switched, Vampilicious, Fang-tastic and Re-Vamped series by Sienna Mercer – This is a mixture between Supernatural as one twin is a human and the other is a Vampire. It contains School, Friendships, Families and Boyfriends.
• Any books by Jacqueline Wilson – Most famous for her series Tracey Beaker , this author has a range of books suited to all ages but the most common age-group for her writing falls at 9-12 yrs.
• Faithgirlz – The girls of 622 Harborview Park – This is also falls into the category of Christian Fiction as it is written by Melody Carlson. Each book features a different project and deals with friendships, relationships, families.
• The Amazing days of Abby Hayes – Anne Mazer – Each book is written in a diary format and discusses the everyday life and troubles/triumphs that arise for Abby from Schooling to Parents to Boys and Friends.
• The Babysitters Club- Anne Martin – A group of teen girls who started running a babysitting group, the book involves boys, relationships, friendships, school and parents.
Ages 13-18
It is this age group that is the most common readers of what is known as Pink Lit , next time you are in your local library or book shop take a look in the teen area , look past the supernatural and paranormal books, look past the adventure novels and what do you have remaining?
• The Georgia Nicholson Diaries by Louise Rennison – Most famously known as Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging or Perfect Snogging ( depending which book you picked up).
• Withering Tights – Louise Rennison: This book is written from the perspective of Georgia’s younger cousin Tallulah and also runs a theme of Wuthering Heights.
• Any books by Jacqueline Wilson – When you move into the teen area, you are presented with a range of Jacqueline Wilson books suited to the older audience – Girls in Love Series, Love Lessons, and Jacky Daydream etc.
• What a Week to – Rosie Rushton: Rosie Rushton is another author that has a numerous amount of books dedicated to Pink Lit. Her most famous series suited to Pink Lit is What a Week to..... , this author has also written a number of books that are What if Jane Austen lived in the 21st Century spin-offs e.g. The Secrets of Love.
• The Princess Diaries , All American Girl etc – Meg Cabot – This author is one of those ones that if you haven’t read any of her books , then where have you been , obviously living under a rock. Her Princess Diaries series were made into movies starring Anne Hathaway as Mia and her latest series Avalon High is being made into a film.
• Diary of a Teenage Girl , True Colours etc – Melody Carlson – This is another author who has written many wonderful series and if you are wanting books with a Christian background then this is the author to pick up – her books touch on a number of issues, some which can be a bit edgy( more of edgy content next post)
• The Mates, Dates Series, Cinnamon Girl and Zodiac Girls- Cathy Hopkins- These series are aimed at teen girls and talk a range of things from Puberty to Boyfriends, Friends, School and Family.
• Pink – Lili Wilkinson – This is a novel where a Goth/emo girl attends a new school and completely re-invents herself into a Pink wearing type of girl. Similar to the movie Legally Blonde and Wild Child.
Do not fear readers, as the lists that I have provided are only a glimpse into the world of Pink Lit and there are so many more fabulous Pink Authors out there, some of the ones that I have not included on the list is because I am going to use the books/authors for later topics.
If you have any book recommendations to add to the list, feel free to email me or post a comment.
To conclude , if there is a particular literature topic that you would like touched on or a book that you would like talked about or reviewed , feel free to email me at or post a comment on the blog post.

That’s all for now, signing off till next month’s blog post , you have just been reading this month’s Literary Musing from The Phantom Paragrapher.
With the rising trend in Chick Literature for Young Adults to the older audience of Females, it’s not surprising that there has been a new brand of genre released titled Pink Literature.
What is Pink Literature you may ask? Pink Lit is basically Chick Lit genre aimed at tweens and YA/Teens – more commonly the age group of 10-18 years.
Books that fall under the category of Pink Lit are books that have or surround those everyday issues like Love, Friendship, Relationships and Boys, Boys, Boys as the Britney Spears song goes.
Today’s Blog post will be a little different with me breaking it into lists of authors and titles that are appropriate for the specific age-groups with a little blurb about each title or collection of titles.
Ages 9-12
• Switched, Vampilicious, Fang-tastic and Re-Vamped series by Sienna Mercer – This is a mixture between Supernatural as one twin is a human and the other is a Vampire. It contains School, Friendships, Families and Boyfriends.
• Any books by Jacqueline Wilson – Most famous for her series Tracey Beaker , this author has a range of books suited to all ages but the most common age-group for her writing falls at 9-12 yrs.
• Faithgirlz – The girls of 622 Harborview Park – This is also falls into the category of Christian Fiction as it is written by Melody Carlson. Each book features a different project and deals with friendships, relationships, families.
• The Amazing days of Abby Hayes – Anne Mazer – Each book is written in a diary format and discusses the everyday life and troubles/triumphs that arise for Abby from Schooling to Parents to Boys and Friends.
• The Babysitters Club- Anne Martin – A group of teen girls who started running a babysitting group, the book involves boys, relationships, friendships, school and parents.
Ages 13-18
It is this age group that is the most common readers of what is known as Pink Lit , next time you are in your local library or book shop take a look in the teen area , look past the supernatural and paranormal books, look past the adventure novels and what do you have remaining?
• The Georgia Nicholson Diaries by Louise Rennison – Most famously known as Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging or Perfect Snogging ( depending which book you picked up).
• Withering Tights – Louise Rennison: This book is written from the perspective of Georgia’s younger cousin Tallulah and also runs a theme of Wuthering Heights.
• Any books by Jacqueline Wilson – When you move into the teen area, you are presented with a range of Jacqueline Wilson books suited to the older audience – Girls in Love Series, Love Lessons, and Jacky Daydream etc.
• What a Week to – Rosie Rushton: Rosie Rushton is another author that has a numerous amount of books dedicated to Pink Lit. Her most famous series suited to Pink Lit is What a Week to..... , this author has also written a number of books that are What if Jane Austen lived in the 21st Century spin-offs e.g. The Secrets of Love.
• The Princess Diaries , All American Girl etc – Meg Cabot – This author is one of those ones that if you haven’t read any of her books , then where have you been , obviously living under a rock. Her Princess Diaries series were made into movies starring Anne Hathaway as Mia and her latest series Avalon High is being made into a film.
• Diary of a Teenage Girl , True Colours etc – Melody Carlson – This is another author who has written many wonderful series and if you are wanting books with a Christian background then this is the author to pick up – her books touch on a number of issues, some which can be a bit edgy( more of edgy content next post)
• The Mates, Dates Series, Cinnamon Girl and Zodiac Girls- Cathy Hopkins- These series are aimed at teen girls and talk a range of things from Puberty to Boyfriends, Friends, School and Family.
• Pink – Lili Wilkinson – This is a novel where a Goth/emo girl attends a new school and completely re-invents herself into a Pink wearing type of girl. Similar to the movie Legally Blonde and Wild Child.
Do not fear readers, as the lists that I have provided are only a glimpse into the world of Pink Lit and there are so many more fabulous Pink Authors out there, some of the ones that I have not included on the list is because I am going to use the books/authors for later topics.
If you have any book recommendations to add to the list, feel free to email me or post a comment.
To conclude , if there is a particular literature topic that you would like touched on or a book that you would like talked about or reviewed , feel free to email me at or post a comment on the blog post.
That’s all for now, signing off till next month’s blog post , you have just been reading this month’s Literary Musing from The Phantom Paragrapher.
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