The Little Guide to Unhip - KJ Rigby
This is my new symbol for those books that don't really fit into any particular category . I thought it looked pretty fiery and has a hint of the Olympics Torch. Every now and again, I recieve "quite rare though" a book that doesn't really have a specific hint of genre that I can classify with a symbol. Today's book is one of those "rare commodities".
Review : Little Guide to Unhip - KJ Rigby - June 2010
With Christmas looming closer and closer , for all those who need a little extra present or stocking stuffer. The Little Guide to Unhip by KJ Rigby is the perfect gift. Each page contains something that is considered unhip , It made me laugh as I apparently am one of those many who do alot of things that fall into the Dangerously Unhip, Definitely Unhip and Midly Unhip columns. The only downside for me was that this book was definitely written about things in the UK as being in New Zealand -some of the aspects of Unhip were new concepts to me and other's I'd never heard of - which I guess on the plus side it meant that I have the upper hand of not being Unhip :). One of the Dangerously Unhip things was Musician Gilbert O'Sullivan to Umbrellas or as the British call them Brolleys - for me personally if nessecary I'll use an umbrella but I definitely won't wear a hat . Elasticated Waists - I agree with Kate on this one - Ewh, Elastic waists are for old women - "only just though". The colour Beige - I definitely agree - it is such a "blah" colour and so once again boring - the list of things Unhip is endless and by the time one has finished this Little guide to Unhip , they will be in laughter with tears as it is humourous and fun - also a good way to tease your siblings and parents and prove to them once and for all - that they are truly unhip.

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