VBT# Come Undone -

Today's VBT# is Kendall Grace and her book "Come Undone" - A Contemporary Erotic Romance - part of a VBT being presented by Goddess Fish Promotions http://www.goddessfishpromotions.blogspot.com .
Synopsis : Come Undone - Kendall Grace
My sister became dependent on painkillers after a skiing accident left her leg broken in three places. I didn’t understand and, yes, I judged her. After all, we were talking about her will. No one was forcing those pills down her throat. It seemed very cut-and-dried to me back then. But I know differently now.
The first time Chase touched her, Jane finally understood addiction…understood the aching need, the keen want for more…more of his hands…his mouth…his tongue. His complete mastery over her body. She knew the suffocation of crushing anxiety as she waited for her next hit, the flash of terrific pain when it didn’t come.Chase seems unwilling to give Jane what she needs; what she ultimately craves above all else. But addicts can’t think beyond the fix. They’ll resort to desperate measures to feed their need…even if they lose themselves in the process. Even if they come undone…
Guest Blog Post - Kendall Grace
What Scares Me Most
Okay, I’ll admit it. I tend to be riddled with anxiety when it comes to my writing career. Not like crazy anxiety, just… You know. Stay-awake-at-night-grind-your-molars-to-dust anxiety. What scares me the most? Must I really choose only one thing? No? Excellent. Because I can’t. And unless I’m the only guest at this panic party, I’m willing to bet many authors feel the same way. So, let’s make a list, shall we?
Top Ten Things That Scare Me as a Writer
1. I’ll be a one-hit wonder.
2. My editor bought my book because it wasn’t bad enough to pass on, but when it really comes down to it, it’s not as special as she led me to believe.
3. I’ll wake up one day and the creative gadget in my brain that allows me to spew these words out will malfunction and I’ll be a babbling mess.
4. I’ll be a one-hit wonder.
5. Someone at my job will find out I’m an erotic romance writer and the you-know-what will hit the fan (okay, I may be in the minority here—for those of you all out there and free, I applaud you).
6. When my editor sees an email come through from me with an attachment and any word closely related to “submission” in the subject line she groans aloud.
7. I’ll be a one-hit wonder.
8. No book will ever be as good as my first (assuming I convince myself reason number two is absolutely ridiculous and in no way true).
9. My family secretly resents me and the time I spend away from them even though they say they are happy for and proud of me.
10. I won’t be a one-hit wonder but over time I’ll lose my “writing juju” and end up shuffling through my house in slippers, talking to the characters in my head because they won’t shut up (see number three).
All kidding aside (and I was kidding…well, some), I can’t imagine not being a writer. For all the stress that is involved in this business, there is also a lot of joy. I love the feeling I get when I’m writing a book. And the excitement that comes with starting a brand new story is hard to match. So, as authors we must take the bad with the good. And laugh at ourselves when we act just this side of crazy.
Chapter Excerpt - Come Undone by Kendall Grace
“So,” Chase said. “You’re an artist.”
I nodded and walked to the porch railing, leaning my palms against it. “On my good days.”
He joined me at the rail. “And on your bad?”
I turned to face him, crossing my arms over my chest. “I was an accountant.”
The corners of his lips curled up. “On your bad days you were an accountant?”
“Yes. I mean, no.” I shook my head. “I used to be an accountant. I quit my job right before Sara and I came down here for the summer.” Picking at some paint on my cuticle, I faced the ocean again. “Art is my passion. I’m here for the summer to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.”
Chase trailed the tip of his finger lazily across the line of my jaw. “You look all grown up to me.”
“Appearances can be deceiving,” I replied with a calm I didn’t feel.
He pulled the paintbrush from my bun, running his fingers through to separate the curls. “That’s true,” he said against my ear, “because right now you appear to be nervous around me. I find that hard to believe, seeing as my head has been between your legs.”
I sucked in a breath and stepped back. Smug. That was the look I found on his face. Straightening my spine, I met his gaze. “I’m not nervous,” I lied.
This only seemed to fuel him further. He smiled. Smiled like the cat that got the cream, damn him, and closed the distance between us. His lips barely touched mine, a feathering caress, but it was enough. Enough to make me forget I should be angry with this man.
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