Thin,Rich, Pretty -Beth Harbinson

When you hear the word Chick Lit, some people get a bad impression and think light mills and boony type books for the younger generation but it's not , many chick-lit books though the tales are easy to read and not much to think about , they are all about career women, love, revenge, sisterhood, reunions and all those little things that make women who we are on a day to day basis. Chick Lit novels are also those stories that women read and the occasional male and think OMG I can so relate to that and the majority of the time they actually end up having a moral or story behind their reasoning.
Review: Thin, Rich, Pretty - Beth Harbinson- July 2010
Twenty years ago, there were three girls who were all in Cabin Seven at Camp Catoctin. There was Holly who was the chubby one in the friendship , Nicola a tall, skinny but shy girl and their arch-enemy Lexi Henderson.Sick of Lexi's putdowns and taunts , Nicola and Holly played a prank on Lexi which would last for decades. Now Twenty years later , Holly is co-owner of an Art gallery and is pre-engaged -the ultimatum she has to lose twenty pounds first , Nicola achieved her dream of becoming a Hollywood actress but she has fallen to the ranks of plastic surgery and doesn't know when to stop , a bit like Heidi from The Hills and Lexie has gone from rich, little spoilt girl to grown up flat-broke and is on the hunt for extra cash. This is the story for all those women who have ever looked in a mirror or heard those little voices saying "Your Fat" , looked at yourself in the mirror or longed for someone to look at you and hear those two words "your'e pretty" or opened your bank statement and seen the dollar signs in more than double figures. Thin, Rich,Pretty is three girls story and their journey on how to get to the one thing that they guarantee can give them happiness and soon discover that it's not whats on the outside or in your bank account but who you are inside that brings true happiness to a person.

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