London Road : Linked Stories - Tessa Smith McGovern
Today readers, I have been given the opportunity to try out the new eChook Digital Publishing application of a 10 minute read :), These are perfect for those who are always in a hurry and don't have time to slow down, relax and curl up / soak in the bath after a long day with a book. They can be read on your computer , Iphone, Ipod Touch and of course the latest toy Ipad. ( which of course , anyone willing to give one for review or any of the three I's - give me an email . We all try don't we).
Review : London Road: Linked Stories - Tessa Smith McGovern - 2010
The word ‘memoir’ comes from the Middle French memoire, memory, and from the Latin memoria. Memory, of course, can be combined with any topic - history, abuse, travel, humor, and politics, to name just a few. To me, the genre is the ultimate equalizer.The author doesn’t have to be famous; we all have our own stories of love and loss, and all our stories are equally important – young or old, rich or poor, boss or employee. It doesn’t matter who we are in our daily lives; what matters is whether we have communicated our truth clearly and entertained readers. For me, striving to achieve that is the perfect vehicle for a lifetime pleasure.
Copyright © 2010 for London Road: Linked Stories, Tessa Smith McGovern
London Road is a collection of Linked stories which simply means that each story contained within this one book unlike a collection of short stories has a simple flow to it, with the characters interweaving from story to story. It starts with the tale of Janice a fifty-seven year old woman who has just been released out of prison after her 5 year sentence , with nowhere to go - she remembers a flat that her friend Sandy who had been in the mother-baby unit at the prison told her about. There she meets Nora , the owner of the house who welcomes her in with a love that she hasn't felt for in such a long time , even way before she entered prison , it is there that the first tale finishes and the second one starts up with Mandy and her garden bookclub where I got a bit sentimental as it talks about one of my country's most famous NZ women writers Katherine Mansfield. Then in the third tale we meet another house resident Bitty and of course we have Nora in The Walls of Buckingham Palace which made me smile as I can imagine Nora with her openess and courage to run a household filled with ex-convicts and someone with so much stature that she is willing to give everyone a second chance no matter what their background. She reminded me of an old family friend we had who passed away a couple of years back called "Nana Noeline" She ran a home for wayward teens/adults , foster children etc and though she was a frail women , she had a strong heart and didn't turn people away where others might have.
The author Tessa Smith McGovern talks about her work at the end of the linked stories as being part memoir and part fiction as se explains the tales and inspiration behind her stories and it makes me think that if we all took a long look at our memories and the people around us, Im sure we could all conjure up a story or two.
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