Review: Time to Die - Caroline Mitchell


Time to Die

Review: Time to Die - Caroline Mitchell - September 2015

If you are in the mood for a good mystery novel with a twist, then Caroline Mitchell's Time to Die is the book for you as it starts off with two men in a bar sitting at the bar bench when one of them pulls out a set of tarot cards and reads the other guy's fortune and of course delves into his past which makes his future grim and ending six feet under. In a way , you do wonder whether the killer in this book is like Dexter - a vigilante as each of the people who are killed in the novel "Time to Die" have done something wrong in their pasts and have gotten away with it, each is hiding a dark and deadly secret even the one who is trying to track down the killer Detective Jennifer Knight. Time to Die is not only a murder mystery with a serial killer, but it is also a supernatural/paranormal novel as the majority of the characters in this book are gifted and the police department that Jennifer works for is basically called Operation Moonlight as they work with all the cases that have some sort of supernatural or paranormal occurence - the ones that are deemed a little on the odd side or have an unexplained reasoning behind them. Can Jennifer with her skills of premonition and visions help solve the crimes before its too late or will she even be duped when the real killer is revealed at the end of the book and readers, the ending is where the twist comes in and like me, you will be surprised when the real killer is unveiled.



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