Review: The Rebel Girl's Handbook - Rebel Girls

Review: The Rebel Girls Handbook - Rebel Girls - October 2022

Another installment in the amazing series is the Rebel Girls, this is the series that I wish had been around when I was a child. I would have had stronger role models and ended up on a different path in life had it been for books like this.  Instead, when I was younger it wasn't a thing and I was the type of girl who ended up with a bedroom wall covered in posters of musicians and celebrities. It's only now in my thirties that I look back and imagine how my life could have been different if I had role models that were inspirational females. We always heard that females could do anything, but it wasn't pushed or shown as much as it is these days with #bossbabes and #girlbosses and Rebel Girls. The Rebel Girls Handbook Features Rebel Girls
from all over the world from every country imaginable in New Zealand we have Nancy Wake and Helen Clark and Dr. Siouxsie Wiles. The book includes over 300+ profiles of famous females from every generation and all walks of life/careers that have been spotlighted at one point of time in their book series. Each person comes with some fun facts like Florence Nightingale having a pet owl or the weightlifter Athena Urrutia was the inspiration behind the Encanto star Luisa. Also included are activities like how to make Invisible Ink or how to decode your codes just like Nancy Wake did in WW2 which earned her the nickname The White Mouse. 

The Rebel Girls Handbook also includes QR codes that unlock the Rebel Girls App and hosts audiobooks and podcasts relating to the Rebel Girl profiled. The series is perfect for girls aged 10-15 years old.


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