Review: Dear Violet - Mikaela Bee

Review: Dear Violet - Mikaela Bee - July 2021

I had a start to a bad reading day on Tuesday last week as I wasn't feeling the greatest, to begin with, and then every book I tried was just so blah and boring with a capital B. I just could not get into anything. After watching The Big Bang Theory and relaxing on the couch with a wheat bag, I decided to scroll through my Kindle and see if anything jumps out. I decided to go with a thriller as when all else fails, often for me a thriller and edgy read does the trick. I came across Dear Violet by Mikaela Bee and started reading. This one hit the spot as I was drawn in instantly to the book. Dear Violet introduces us to Violet who works at the local coffee shop in the train station. As I was reading this, I had the image of a coffee shop in the Wellington Train Station and the passersby getting their tickets, hopping on trains, etc. Violet does the night shift which normally she doesn't mind, that is until she starts to get letters and gifts from a secret admirer. At first, it seems like innocent fun and super sweet, but soon the ante escalates and it turns into a full-blown stalker mode. When people that are close to Violet start getting involved or in danger, Violet decides the safest thing is to leave her job when her mean boss won't let her swap shifts. Soon though, Violet will be jobless, friendless, and homeless when the stalker believes that if he can't have her, then no one else can and he's not going to let anyone stand in his way of happiness. I did enjoy the story, but it did get me wondering why on earth the person wasn't less desperate as it turned out he was not that bad looking and seemed friendly enough and if he had not creepily pursued Violet, she probably would have gone out with him on a date and who knows things could have turned out differently but alas his true stalkerish colours shone through and we have our book Dear Violet by Mikaela Bee - an edgy YA/NA psychological thriller that turns the song Every Breath You Take into a horrifying reality.



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