Review: One by One - Freida McFadden

Review: One by One - Freida McFadden - July 2020

I have always been a big fan of thrillers and near the end of last year, this author Freida McFadden started to pop up on my radar and I found myself enjoying her psychological thrillers except of course for the one book that was a DNF for me. I was looking forward to One by One as it features one of my favourite thriller tropes - yes, it's been done a thousand times in books and movies, but the whole revenge-based killing off - one by one, is a trope that I have loved especially when the author does it right which is what Freida did in her title "One by One". The book starts with three couples heading off to the woods for a week's holiday in a cute Air BNB Cabin. It is a breakaway that everyone longs for, especially Claire and Jack. The thing though is Claire and Jack aren't married Claire is married to Jack's best friend Noah. For the past few months, Claire and Noah's marriage has started to disintegrate and fade away. Claire is on the verge of asking Noah for a divorce and has gotten them separate bedrooms. The thing though is that Claire has been cheating on Noah with Jack- the one who got away during their college years. On this trip we have Claire and Noah, Jack and his workaholic wife Michelle and Lindsay -Claire's college roommate and best friend and her new Plastic surgeon boyfriend Warner.  What happens though when Claire's minivan breaks down in the middle of nowhere and now the six of them have to hike to the cabin. They better be careful though as someone is killing them off one by one. Who would want to harm them and is one of the six a killer? Find out in this great 5-star thriller by Freida McFadden "One by One".



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