Review: The Truth about the Devlins - Lisa Scottoline

Review: The Truth about the Devlins - Lisa Scottoline - March 2024

One of my favorite authors and an auto-read is Lisa Scottoline ever over 15 years when I fell in love with one of her earlier titles. I was hooked as I enjoyed her legal thrillers, before reading her books - the only other Legal thrillers I had read was John Grisham, and here was a female author writing just as great or in my opinion even better - sorry John :P. So when I heard she had written a new one, I was excited to read it. This book introduces us to a family called The Devlins who are all lawyers except for TJ who is an investigator. TJ was the one in the family to go off the rails and since he has a criminal record now, this is the only role he can take. He loves it though as he feels he is doing his part to help get justice for those who can't by themselves. When his older brother John gets in a jam, he asks TJ for help and TJ would go to the end of the earth to help him which he does god, I hated John's character as what an arrogant prick no matter what TJ does to help, he keeps throwing TJ under the bus - even as far as framing him for murder - just in the name of money. As TJ learns more about the deceased, he starts to investigate as things aren't sitting right and when the truth starts to affect his family "The Devlins", we learn that there isn't anything he wouldn't do to protect the ones he loves. I enjoyed this book especially the last few chapters when the family closed in and worked together to help one another as it goes to show that when the going gets tough, the family will be there to always help and guide you through things. This was another great read by Lisa Scottoline and as usual, I am looking forward to seeing and reading what she brings out next.



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