VBT# My Not So Normal Life - Liz Laz

One of my favorite things to read about and I don't mind that it was a teen novel as they can be relaxing and more exciting is Teen Spies and Adventure novels. This book started off with meeting Lily Ann Germoski who has a family that often forgets about her as her parents are pre-occupied with their own lives and she has a best friend who can be a bit of a bully called Becky. She also has a scar which was a result of a bullying incident at Camp Pinewood. This summer Lily is determined to have fun with her friend Becky and not be sent to a Summer Camp. Therefore she has been intercepting the mail until one for a new Spy Camp ends up in her parents' inbox, and they sign her up. Lily attends and can't believe her eyes as it turns out that this is an actual spy training camp for a secret CIA program called T.O aka Teen Operatives. Lily doesn't believe she fits in but turns out she is a good all-rounder, and her confidence starts to grow over the course of the camp. Then come home time, and Lily has been chosen to be part of a Teen Operative team in which her favorite agents The Silmens are in charge of. What will happen though as she has to start lying to the ones she cares about and then tragedy happens and Lily starts to lose the ones she has come to care for? Can Lily balance life as a normal tween and a spy? My Not So Normal Life was a fun read, the only downside for me was it finished too quickly, and there isn't anymore in the series so far to continue with. If you love spy stories, then check out My Not So Normal Life by Liz Laz today. 



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