Review: Bully Love - Mya West

Review: Bully Love - Book #2 Bad Boys of Hillview Academy Series - Mya West - September 2019
This particular bullymance series is not like the usual as this one doesn't have an RH feel and the bullying is very light to non-existent in the books. The book starts off with Caleb and Tiffany and their friends playing laser tag and then having a party as the Knight Boys normally do. During this one, Tiffany learns that her ex-boyfriend Chris has moved back to town and he definitely isn't the same boy who left two years ago. This Chris is muscled, strong and isn't afraid of bullies and to get what he wants. He wants Tiffany back and will go to lengths to take back what he sees as his. During this book, Caleb's father also comes back into the picture to move in with the family and everyone but Caleb is pleased as he remembers the bad times more than the good. Has Steve really turned over a new leaf or does he have the wool over everyone's eyes except Caleb's? The book also features prominently the school play this year of Romeo and Juliet which has Tiffany playing Juliet and her two exes Troy is Romeo and Chris is the understudy. This is one play where just like reality will end in disaster especially when Caleb steps in. This book also ends on a cliffhanger which I have to admit did not surprise me one bit who it was about. A couple of things I didn't enjoy as much about the book was Caleb's character being freaking pissy and moody all the time - grow some balls man , you are supposed to be the tough guy of the story and what the heck was up with Tiffany speaking baby talk urgh, that to me is a massive turn-off. I am interested as I have read the first two books to see what Book #3 will bring.

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