Review: The Secret Santa - Trish Harnetiaux

Review: The Secret Santa - Trish Harnetiaux - October 2019
Claudine and her husband
Henry are celebrating their annual Christmas Party and Claudine is making sure
that this year's one goes down with a bang as she changes the venue to Montague
House - this was the first house that Henry and Claudine built and sold. This
was the house that launched their careers. It is also a house though that holds
some sad and terrible memories and the house that started to pull them apart as
a couple. Celebrity Pop Singer Zara is wanting to move to Aspen as she was
obsessed with the Claudine and Spyder Killer Case and with Claudine being the
estate agent, she sees this as a sign. Once arrived, everyone hands in their
Secret Santa gifts and all goes well until Natalie unwraps her gift and
memories of that night years ago come flashing back to Claudine. A night that
has become a dark secret that she has kept for all these years, to help protect
Henry and their legacy. In between the story, we learn about what happened
those many years ago and the terrible things that went down on the property
where the party is being hosted? Who is out to make Claudine and Henry pay for
that night? Who here knows their darkest and deepest secrets and will make sure
they do everything in their power to expose them for the terrible people they
are ?. The Secret Santa was a fun mystery read and I like books like this
where people are invited to a party with ulterior motives as it makes the story
more enjoyable as it's in books like this that you learn what people are really
capable of as their true colors start to seep through and shine.
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