Review: Stepsister - Jennifer Donnelly

Review: Stepsister - Jennifer Donnelly - May 2019
This book had been on my list to read for a few months now and I kept avoiding it as it looks daunting being quite a thick book. As I am not keen on fantasy novels as well, that was the other thing that stopped me. Surprisingly though as I started reading it, I could not put it down it was amazing and the character development of Isabelle just blew me away. The book starts where Cinderella finishes with the Prince coming house to house to find the owner of the glass slipper. Just like in the OG Grimm Fairytale, the two stepsisters have their feet cut - Octavia has her heel cut to try and fit in the slipper and Isabelle her toes. At the end Cinderella aka Ella comes dashing out and just like that, the Duke lets the glass slipper smash. That's alright though as Ella has the other one in her possession. Ella and Prince Charming riding off into the sunset to live HEA. The Ugly Stepsisters Octavia and Isabelle start to be ridiculed and eventually lose everything - Karma for being evil and mean to Ella. The book then jumps to a bet that The Fates and Marquis aka Chance have to change Isabelle's future as the Chance believes she can save the world and be redeemed whereas the Fates don't want to interfere with the path that life has already laid out for her. The rest of the book is focused on Isabelle overcoming all the obstacles in her way and becoming the strong feminine hero that we know her to be, that little spark that lives inside of her will once again become a raging fire. Jennifer Donnelly's writing keeps you captivated as you find yourself turning each page in hope that Isabelle will redeem herself and succeed so that you can take that Fate. If you love fairytale renditions and epic fantasy tales, then I would definitely recommend you read Stepsister by Jennifer Donnelly today. Readers' - Don't let the size of the book put you off giving it a go.

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