Review: Hunting Prince Dracula - Kerri Maniscalco

Review: Hunting Prince Dracula - Book #2 Stalking Jack the Ripper Series - Kerri Maniscalco - September 2017
You know how some books take you that little bit longer to read and you find yourself persevering with them and pushing yourself through as you want to finish but is finding it hard. For me that was Hunting Prince Dracula as I don't normally read historical fiction but it had intrigued me and after reading Stalking Jack the Ripper I wanted to try and complete the series. This book starts off with Audrey Rose Wadsworth and Thomas Cresswell on the train to the Forensics school in Romania. They are traveling the Orient Express and a murder happens onboard, this part reminded me of the Agatha Christie novel. A guy has been staked on the train as if he was a vampire. When the pair arrive in Romania, they hear rumors that Vlad the Impaler aka Dracula has risen and is hunting down the townspeople. Audrey still on edge after the whole Jack the Ripper case is a tad shaken but she and Thomas will do what they do best and join forces to try and find out who is behind the murder as more occur in town and why they are instilling the fear into the people of Romania. During the novel, we also watch them study forensics as they try and compete for a place in the prestigious course next semester. During Hunting Prince Dracula we will learn about the myth of Dracula and the various bloodlines and the Order of the Dragon. We also get a letter from cousin Liza about a boy she is falling in love with whom does magic tricks - this gives us a hint for Book #3 which is Escaping Houdini. I did like the twist of Hunting Prince Dracula with two of the characters being descendants of both Bathory and Prince Dracula as I did not see this coming . ( PS - this isn't a spoiler as heaps of characters remained at the end of the story). I am now looking forward to reading the next book which takes our two leads travel to London. Hunting Prince Dracula was a good YA mixture of forensics, mystery, and mythology as well as historical fiction.
You know how some books take you that little bit longer to read and you find yourself persevering with them and pushing yourself through as you want to finish but is finding it hard. For me that was Hunting Prince Dracula as I don't normally read historical fiction but it had intrigued me and after reading Stalking Jack the Ripper I wanted to try and complete the series. This book starts off with Audrey Rose Wadsworth and Thomas Cresswell on the train to the Forensics school in Romania. They are traveling the Orient Express and a murder happens onboard, this part reminded me of the Agatha Christie novel. A guy has been staked on the train as if he was a vampire. When the pair arrive in Romania, they hear rumors that Vlad the Impaler aka Dracula has risen and is hunting down the townspeople. Audrey still on edge after the whole Jack the Ripper case is a tad shaken but she and Thomas will do what they do best and join forces to try and find out who is behind the murder as more occur in town and why they are instilling the fear into the people of Romania. During the novel, we also watch them study forensics as they try and compete for a place in the prestigious course next semester. During Hunting Prince Dracula we will learn about the myth of Dracula and the various bloodlines and the Order of the Dragon. We also get a letter from cousin Liza about a boy she is falling in love with whom does magic tricks - this gives us a hint for Book #3 which is Escaping Houdini. I did like the twist of Hunting Prince Dracula with two of the characters being descendants of both Bathory and Prince Dracula as I did not see this coming . ( PS - this isn't a spoiler as heaps of characters remained at the end of the story). I am now looking forward to reading the next book which takes our two leads travel to London. Hunting Prince Dracula was a good YA mixture of forensics, mystery, and mythology as well as historical fiction.

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