Review: Like, Follow, Kill - Carissa Ann Lynch

Review: Like, Follow, Kill - Carissa Ann Lynch - October 2019
As readers will know that I have read to date every single book by Carissa Ann Lynch. I am a big fan of her mystery novels. So when I saw on Netgalley that she had a new one out, I knew instantly that I wanted to read it and the fact that lately I have been on a mystery buzz in between my other books just to break up the feeling of reading the same trope. Another reason I was excited about this book is that it uses social media which is one of my favorite tropes in books - the use of Social Media apps. In Like, Follow, Kill we meet Camilla who has been slightly agoraphobic ever since the car accident that took the life of her husband Chris and left her badly scarred and injured. To pass the time, she follows an ex-classmate of her's Instagram page Violet who seems to have it all with her amazing job as a pharmaceutical rep which allows her to travel all over the country, her clothes and her looks. One evening though things start to get a bit strange on her page as she posts a video at 2 am saying she feels someone is stalking her, then disappears then a few days later a call for help comes to Camille's inbox. Camille believing Violet is in danger leaves and takes her husband's ashes on a road trip as they had always planned too. As the novel goes along, we can discover of course that Violet's life wasn't all that it is cracked up to be and Chris - Camille's husband wasn't the Mr. Nice guy everyone thought he was in their small towns. Like, Follow, Kill shows readers the dark side of social media where you never know who you are talking to behind the screen and how we can all live a facade online and appear to be living in this perfect little world which makes other's envious. Like, Follow, Kill was another good mystery by Carissa Ann Lynch that readers will enjoy especially if you love the social media angle.

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