Review: Her Last Goodbye - Rick Mofina

Her Last Goodbye

Review: Her Last Goodbye - Rick Mofina - January 2022

How well do we know our partners? Do we know all about their family history, lives, loves, and hates? If your partner went missing, would skeletons be falling out of the closet? For Greg, he gets home late one night and heads to bed. His wife is out at her book club and Greg expects her soon. He falls asleep and awakes early in the AM - he reaches his hand out and Jennifer's side is still empty. He phones his wife and no answer. Where can she be? This starts our mystery of Her Last Goodbye as Greg searches and contacts everyone he can think of as his wife Jennifer has vanished into thin air.  Greg calls his Dad and sister and then the Police. Over the majority of the novel, we read as Greg's life is pulled apart as the detectives are convinced he is hiding something and is the number #1 suspect. What he doesn't realize though is that Jennifer's past has come back to bite her in the form of a wind chime. When Jennifer was eight years old, both her parents died in a house fire and now secrets about that time are being unearthed.  I have to admit, that this book was different as it was more focused on Jennifer's family and that side of the fence rather than her experience missing and being kidnapped. I did feel the ending was a little rushed and the bit with the DNA near the end could have been expanded on a bit more.  I have to admit that this book reminded me of Gone Girl which is a novel that I disliked and thought was overhyped. However, if you were one of those millions who loved Gone Girl as it did win the best thriller - what were you readers thinking? then you will love Rick Mofina's new psychological thriller "Her Last Goodbye" .



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